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Did you know oysters are one of the few animals that are eaten while still alive? Dare you to try one.

Oysters play an important role in New York City’s history and potentially in its future.  

For the Lenape – the Native Americans that first lived in the NYC area – oysters were an important part of their diet. They ate so many oysters that their shells piled up on the shores of downtown Manhattan. That’s where the name “Pearl Street” comes from.

When Henry Hudson came to Manhattan in 1609, half of the world’s oyster population lived in the waters around New York City. Back in those days, oysters grew up to a foot tall and were sold in street carts long before there were hot dogs.

But overfishing, built up shorelines, and pollution made the oysters disappear. However, an organization called Billion Oyster Project plans to bring oysters back to NYC’s waters. Oysters clean the water they live in and attract other sea life. They can even help protect the city from storm surges.

Oysters have to be served very fresh; otherwise, they can cause bad food poisoning. Eating a bad oyster can leave you feeling like someone’s chomping on your insides! That’s not a dare you want to risk.   

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