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Dare you to eat a grasshopper. Who in your family is up for it?

In many countries – Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico, for example – insects for dinner or a snack are nothing unusual. Toasted, cooked, grilled, with guacamole, in soups or tacos, or even as ice cream topping: the ways to serve crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms are endless.

Proving NYC’s claims that you can find pretty much any food here, grasshopper tacos are served in several restaurants and food trucks around the city.

☀ Cool Fact
In 2050, there will be about 9 billion people living on Earth. A major concern about the population growth is that it will be very hard to provide nutritious food for all these humans without destroying the environment. High in protein insects like grasshoppers might be a solution. 

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